I've been reflecting on peace all through Advent. Peace is so easy to say, and so hard to understand. What is peace? Is it the absence of war? That is the way many view it. But peace means so much more than that.
When I hear Christmas carols such as Away in a Manger and Silent Night, they evoke a scene in my mind of stillness and calm. I suspect that Jesus' birth wasn't all that quiet and peaceful. After all he was born in a stable. Think about a stable. He was in a feed trough among a bunch of animals. Cows mooing, donkey's braying, horses neighing, Mary going through childbirth. And the smell. Oh my goodness the smell is something that I cannot even fathom. I've been around enough livestock to know that scene was neither peaceful or pleasant.

True lasting peace is usually won, not given. The United States is at peace with Japan, Italy and Germany after horrific loss of life to defeat the evil regimes that ran their countries. We paid an enormous price in the lives of soldiers and treasure of our country, and so did they. The same is true of Christ's peace.
God paid a horrific price in sacrificing Jesus. We have paid an enormous toll in lives lost before Christ and in martyrs. But there is peace between us and God. If we are willing to accept it. Christ is the avenue for the peace we seek. The angels announced his coming with trumpets, yet they were still when he was bearing the wrath of God. But peace is now available to you. Take it. Then share that peace with those around you. And that will begin to bring peace on earth through our goodwill to men.

Merry Christmas.
Funny thing how we tend to confuse peace, contentment, and rest. Peace is something that is moreso of a promise we have internally with God, and I dont think we should really expect too much of it amongst men. Being Christian doesnt nescessairly mean that we will have great contentment and easyness in our daily lives. I think true Christianity means accepting that uncomfortability is very much so an avenue God uses to speak to us. Be it financially, physically, relationally, and even spiritually. I think God allow's us to experience those dis-contented states for very good reason.
There is such a thing as Holy discontent. He uses the unsettledness to move us forward on whatever He is needing us to see.
Peace doesn't promise an easy life, but it does hold the promise of ultimate victory.
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