The video clip below is of the David Crowder Band song "Come and Listen." I invite you to let it play and think about the implied message of the song. "Come and listen to what He has done" is an provocative statement for me. It implies that 1) someone is telling what God has done for him/her, for you, and for us; and 2) the "us" is a welcome trip into the world of corporate worship that veers away from the "Jesus and Me" individuality that has so infiltrated American Christianity.
"Come and listen. Come to the waters edge all you who know and fear the Lord." That is worship my friends. Listening to what God has done for us, sharing what God has done for us, and celebrating what God has done for us. In all of this the focus is on what God has done for us, not what we have done for God.
Dwell on this song a little during Lent. Let that thought process of "what God has done for us" take root in your mind. Meditate on what God has done for:
- you
- your family
- your church
- your neighborhood
- your job
- your town
- your state
- your nation
- and your world
Here are some links to meditative/contemplative prayer sites if you would like some assistance on how to do this. It is well worth your time.
Centering Prayer
Listening Prayer
A Prayer Labyrinth
Lectio Divina or Divine Reading
This is but a sampling of the types of contemplative prayer. There are many good books in your local library and church that can help you with this.
Take the season of Lent to reflect on what God has done for you. And celebrate it at Easter.
1 comment:
So true...love this post!
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