I'm going to die. I'm going to die an awful, painful, disgusting death, and probably soon. How do I know this? Because, as a favor to all of you, I break chain letters. That's right, all of those curses and threats that accompany chain letters fall on me. I do this not because I have a Messianic complex. Rather I do it to free all of you from the guilt that comes if you don't comply with all of the rules in a chain letter.
Here is what I have learned from my chain-breaking so far:
- I don't love Jesus because I don't forward all of the letters that tell me that only 3% of the people will forward them.
- I will never have good luck. Ever, ever ever.
- I will never get $$ from Bill Gates or AOL for forwarding emails that are being tracked
- Some dying kid will not have the requisite number of greeting/business cards he/she wants before he/she dies
- I'll never have the Nieman Marcus cookie recipe
- I will never get rich with some money from a Nigerian Princess
You can thank me in the next life
Thank you for your sacrifice. You're like the guy in the war movies diving on the live grenade.
We are all humbly in thy debt.
Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen
You are just cruel!!!!!!!!!
Ha Ha Ha
I would carry on for you, but alas! I am destined to the same fate.... I rarely if ever forward these things on ESPECIALLY if there is a dire threat attached!
Btw, I loved your analogy on lauren's blog of ditching the trash before meeting our authority! So did my mom!
I thank you so much!
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