Today is the day when we remember the Last Supper, and the betrayal and arrest of Jesus. What a night that must have been for Jesus and the disciples.
It's Passover, so Jerusalem is filled with people from other towns coming to Jerusalem for the Passover services. Jesus and the disciples are relaxing, having a meal, and then Jesus rolls a grenade into the party when he announces that one of them will betray him. He also tells Peter that he will deny him three times before dawn, and none of them can believe it.
They leave, go out to pray, and Jesus is arrested and the disciples scatter. In the span of just a few hours everything went from hunky-dory to a train wreck in the disciples' eyes. Their emotions had to be just whip-sawed by all that was taking place. And I'm pretty sure that Jesus' words about his impending trial and death began to make a lot more sense to them
This Maundy Thursday, take a moment to reflect on the interaction between Jesus and the disciples. Imagine yourself in their shoes, as all of this swirled around them. Imagine their, joy, confusion, agony, guilt and regret.
Then thank God for Jesus dying on a cross for you, and them.
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