This has been a week where the Lord has been challenging me on this very issue. How can I be light in darkness? There is so much darkness in the world, and it swirls around us unnoticed most of the time. But occasionally it rears its ugly head and announces its presence, and we are forced to deal with it.
This past weekend my neighbor's son died from a drug overdose. He was a young man with problems, but he seemed, at least from my perspective, to be making some headway in dealing with them. But the darkness that surrounded him eventually consumed him, and his grief-stricken family is left wondering what they could have done to prevent this.
Deb and I have spent some time with the family since his death, and it is hard. Drug abuse is so pervasive in our society that it is sickening. Prescription drugs, street drugs, and home-grown and home-made drugs are readily available and are evidently very affordable. I have to confess that I am at a loss as to what to do about this scourge.
Pray for me as I seek God's face on how I can be light in this darkness. What does my candle look like in my neighborhood. With this death, I have heard from others about their neighbors who have children hooked on drugs and bouncing in and out of rehab. I always knew it was there, but it has really hit home for me. We (I) need to be a light to show the love and truth of Christ in this pervasive darkness. I'm just not sure what God is asking me to do. I appreciate your prayers.