Before we became Christians, we probably behaved a bit differently than we do now. Suffice it to say, we probably had different friends then as well. Then Jesus changed our lives. Some Christians manage to stay in their same circle of friends and become salt and light to the lost. They influence those around them in a positive manner. They show the love of Christ to the lost and hurting, and lead them into faith through their example.
Others cloister themselves into groups of like-minded people, largely cut off from the rest of society. Just ask yourself or your Christian friends how many non-Christian friends they have. The numbers will probably be small.
Goat is like the second group. He left for 5 years and now doesn't speak the language of those he left behind. His mom's comment that you have changed, and not for the better, should be a cautionary word to those of us tempted to isolate ourselves from the world. We need to be in, but not of, the world. We need to bring salt and light to a lost and hurting world. Otherwise, we will not be able to communicate effectively with them.
Pray for God to show you those opportunities. Pray for courage to go where He leads you. Pray for strength to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with those who do not know him.
Don't be a goat.