Hooray for a federal judge in Missouri for ruling that funerals are no place for protests. Fred Phelps and his Westboro (I won't demean a legitimate denomination with the name they have chosen) group have been protesting at the funerals of slain military members. They like to tell the family members that the reason their loved one is dead is because the U.S. military allows homosexuals to be in the military. While I do agree that the Bible condemns homosexual behavior, I cannot even begin to think that this is the most appropriate way to deal with the issue.
If you have a beef with the government, take it up with them. Not with the grieving family members of a slain soldier, sailor, marine or airman. That is not how Jesus dealt with the issues of his day, and it is completely offensive and without love and grace.
It truly sickens me. And I cannot believe that it honors God or advances the Kingdom.