Sunday, March 11, 2007

Amazing Grace

We went to see the movie over the weekend. It was very good. Touching without being overly sentimental. I took the kids to see it because it is something I think they need to know. That one person taking a principled stand based on scripture can change things.

I found this to be intriguing:

John Newton (played by Albert Finney in Amazing Grace) wrote the words to one of the most beloved hymns of all time between 1760 and 1770, while working as an evangelical pastor. Son of the commander of a merchant ship, Newton was captain of a slave ship for many years, until he underwent a dramatic religious conversion while steering his vessel through a storm.

Repenting and regretting the misery he had inflicted on the thousands of human cargo he had transported across the Middle Passage for many years, he devoted his life to the Church, and wrote the lyrics to many hymns which are still popular today.

In 1780 Newton left Olney to become rector of St. Mary Woolnoth, St. Mary Woolchurch, in London. There he drew large congregations and influenced many, among them William Wilberforce. Newton continued to preach until the last year of life, although he was blind by that time. He died in London December 21, 1807.

Newton had been Wilberforce's pastor when Wilberforce was a child and became a mentor to him during the struggle to end slavery in Britain. God truly redeemed a man's evil acts to affect a great good. What an awesome God we serve.

Go see the movie.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions

The Law of Unintended Consequences has not been repealed. In our zeal, post-Katrina to find alternative sources of energy for our cars, we, as a government, are rushing pell-mell into ethanol production. Never mind that ethanol has less energy per gallon than gasoline and costs a fortune in agricultural inputs, it is the wave of the future. Enter market economics. As the cover of World Magazine shows, not everyone is happy with our national goal of giant corn distilleries. It seems that our push for ethanol is driving up the price of corn, in some cases, doubling it. And the poor folks who have it as a staple of their diet are suffering.

Never mind that there is ample oil off the coast of the United States in the Gulf of Mexico and California, not to mention the ANWR debacle. U.S. companies are not allowed to drill for oil in these zones, but Cuba is. Cuba, with the help of Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez, is planning to drill for oil within sight of Florida. So much for the environmentalists cause there.

This reminds me of a 235 year-old letter written by John Wesley "To the Editor of 'Lloyd's Evening Post'" in 1772. The text is below, courtesy of the Wesley Center for Applied Theology at Northwest Nazarene University. It seems that not much has changed since then. We take food crops and use them for other purposes and disadvantage those who are most vulnerable. Read John Wesley's letter below

To the Editor of 'Lloyd's Evening Post' [25]]

DOVER, December 9, 1772.

SIR,--Many excellent things have been lately published concerning the present scarcity of provisions. And many causes have been assigned for it; but is not something wanting in most of those publications? One writer assigns one cause, another one or two more, and strongly insists upon them. But who has assigned all the causes that manifestly concur to produce this melancholy effect? at the same time pointing out how each particular cause affects the price of each particular sort of provision?

I would willingly offer to candid and benevolent men a few hints on this important subject, proposing a few questions, and adding to each what seems to be the plain and direct answer.

I. 1. I ask first, Why are thousands of people starving, perishing for want, in every part of England? The fact I know: I have seen it with my eyes in every corner of the land. I have known those who could only afford to eat a little coarse food every other day. I have known one picking up stinking sprats from a dunghill and carrying them home for herself and her children. I have known another gathering the bones which the dogs had left in the streets and making broth of them to prolong a wretched life. Such is the case at this day of multitudes of people in a land flowing, as it were, with milk and honey, abounding with all the necessaries, the conveniences, the superfluities of life!

Now, why is this? Why have all these nothing to eat? Because they have nothing to do. They have no meat because they have no work.

2. But why have they no work? Why are so many thousand people in London, in Bristol, in Norwich, in every county from one end of England to the other, utterly destitute of employment?

Because the persons who used to employ them cannot afford to do it any longer. Many who employed fifty men now scarce employ ten. Those who employed twenty now employ one or none at all. They cannot, as they have no vent for their goods, food now bearing so high a price that the generality of people are hardly able to buy anything else.

3. But to descend from generals to particulars. Why is breadcorn so dear? Because such immense quantities of it are continually consumed by distilling. Indeed, an eminent distiller near London hearing this, warmly replied, Nay, my partner and I generally distil but a thousand quarters of corn a week.' Perhaps so. Suppose five-and-twenty distillers in and near the town consume each only the same quantity. Here are five-and-twenty thousand quarters a week --that is, above twelve hundred and fifty thousand quarters a year--consumed in and about London! Add the distillers throughout England, and have we not reason to believe that half of the wheat produced in the kingdom is every year consumed, not by so harmless a way as throwing it into the sea, but by converting it into deadly poison--poison that naturally destroys, not only the strength and life, but also the morals of our countrymen!

Well, but this brings in a large revenue to the King.' Is this an equivalent for the lives of his subjects? Would His Majesty sell an hundred thousand of his subjects yearly to Algiers for four hundred thousand pounds? Surely no. Will he, then, sell them for that sum to be butchered by their own countrymen? But otherwise the swine for the Navy cannot be fed.' Not unless they are fed with human flesh? not unless they are fatted with human blood? O tell it not in Constantinople that the English raise the royal revenue by selling the blood and flesh of their countrymen!

4. But why are oats so dear? Because there are four times the horses kept (to speak within compass), for coaches and chaises in particular, than were some years ago. Unless, therefore, four times the oats grew now as grew then, they cannot be at the same price. If only twice as much is produced (which perhaps is near the truth), the price will naturally be double to what it was.

As the dearness of grain of one kind will naturally raise the price of another, so whatever causes the dearness of wheat and oats must raise the price of barley too. To account, therefore, for the dearness of this we need only remember what has been observed above, although some particular causes may concur in producing the same effect.

5. Why are beef and mutton so dear? Because most of the considerable farmers, particularly in the northern counties, who used to breed large numbers of sheep or horned cattle, and frequently both, no longer trouble themselves with either sheep or cows or oxen, as they can turn their land to far better account by breeding horses alone. Such is the demand, not only for coach- and chaise-horses, which are bought and destroyed in incredible numbers; but much more for bred horses, which are yearly exported by hundreds, yea thousands, to France.

6. But why are pork, poultry, and eggs so dear? Because of the monopolizing of farms, as mischievous a monopoly as was ever yet introduced into these kingdoms. The land which was formerly divided among ten or twenty little farmers and enabled them comfortably to provide for their families is now generally engrossed by one great farmer. One man farms an estate of a thousand a year, which formerly maintained ten or twenty. Every one of these little farmers kept a few swine, with some quantity of poultry; and, having little money, was glad to send his bacon, or pork, or fowls and eggs, to market continually. Hence the markets were plentifully served, and plenty created cheapness; but at present the great, the gentlemen farmers, are above attending to these little things. They breed no poultry or swine unless for their own use; consequently they send none to market. Hence it is not strange if two or three of these living near a market town occasion such a scarcity of these things by preventing the former supply that the price of them will be double or treble to what it was before. Hence (to instance in a small article) in the same town, where within my memory eggs were sold eight or ten a penny, they are now sold six or eight a groat.

Another cause why beef, mutton, pork, and all kinds of victuals are so dear is luxury. What can stand against this?

Will it not waste and destroy all that nature and art can produce? If a person of quality will boil down three dozen of neat's tongues to make two or three quarts of soup (and so proportionately in other things), what wonder if provisions fail? Only look into the kitchens of the great, the nobility, and gentry, almost without exception (considering withal that the toe of the peasant treads upon the heel of the courtier), and when you have observed the amazing waste which is made there, you will no longer wonder at the scarcity, and consequently dearness, of the things which they use so much art to destroy.

7. But why is land so dear? Because on all these accounts gentlemen cannot live as they have been accustomed to do, without increasing their income, which most of them cannot do but by raising their rents. The farmer, paying an higher rent for his land, must have an higher price for the produce of it. This again tends to raise the price of land. And so the wheel goes round.

8. But why is it that not only provisions and land but well-nigh everything else is so dear? Because of the enormous taxes which are laid on almost everything that can be named. Not only abundant taxes are raised from earth and fire and water, but in England the ingenious statesmen have found a way to tax the very light! Only one element remains, and surely some man of honour will ere long contrive to tax this also. For how long shall the saucy air blow in the face of a gentleman, nay a lord, without paying for it?

9. But why are the taxes so high? Because of the national debt. They must be while this continues. I have heard that the national expense in the time of peace was sixty years ago three millions a year. Now the bare interest of the public debt amounts to above four millions. To raise which, with the other expenses of government, those taxes are absolutely necessary.

II. Here is the evil. But where is the remedy? Perhaps it exceeds all the wisdom of man to tell. But it may not be amiss to offer a few hints even on this delicate subject.

1. What remedy is there for this sore evil? Many thousand poor people are starving. Find them work, and you will find them meat. They will then earn and eat their own bread.

2. But how shall their masters give them work without ruining themselves? Procure vent for it, and it will not hurt their masters to give them as much work as they can do; and this will be done by sinking the price of provisions, for then people will have money to buy other things too.

3. But how can the price of wheat be reduced? By prohibiting for ever that bane of health, that destroyer of strength, of life, and of virtue, distilling. Perhaps this alone will answer the whole design. If anything more be needful, may not all starch be made of rice, and the importation of this as well as of wheat be encouraged?

4. How can the price of oats be reduced? By reducing the number of horses. And may not this be effectually done (1) by laying a tax of ten pounds on every horse exported to France, (2) by laying an additional tax on gentlemen's carriages. Not so much for every wheel (barefaced, shameless partiality!), but ten pounds yearly for every horse. And these two taxes alone would nearly supply as much as is now given for leave to poison His Majesty's liege subjects.

5. How can the price of beef and mutton be reduced? By increasing the breed of sheep and horned cattle. And this would be increased sevenfold if the price of horses was reduced, which it surely would be half in half by the method above mentioned.

6. How can the price of pork and poultry be reduced? First, by letting no farms of above an hundred pounds a year. Secondly, by repressing luxury, either by example, by laws, or both.

7. How may the price of land be reduced? By all the methods above named, all which tend to lessen the expense of housekeeping; but especially the last, restraining luxury, which is the grand source of poverty.

8. How may the taxes be reduced? By discharging half the national debt, and so saving at least two millions a year.

How this can be done the wisdom of the great council of the land can best determine.--I am, sir,

Your humble servant.

Monday, March 05, 2007

HItching your wagon

Ann Coulter recently provided another reason for Christians to be very careful about choosing their allies in the political arena. Her unnecessary comment about John Edwards detracted from a conservative gathering completely drew the attention away from the 2008 Republican presidential wannabees, who were there trying to curry favor and big bucks from the conservative king-makers.

The lesson I take from this is that the people of Christ need to have their own message, outside of a political party. As Ms. Coulter demonstrated, you cannot depend on your allies for good judgment, and you always run the risk of them making it about them, instead of the issue. In many ways I believe the evangelicals are so wedded to the conservative/Republican side that they can no longer extricate themselves.

And we will be lumped in with the likes of Ann Coulter because of that.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Peace is not the absence of conflict. I don't remember where I first heard that, but there is a great deal of truth there. Peace is far more than not fighting. It is intentionally taking steps to get along with our friends, acquaintances and those who just make us grind our teeth. It is what the Lord did by reconciling himself to us, and we are well-advised to follow His lead.

Recently I attended a session on resolving conflict, and the presenters were singing the praises of Peacemaker Ministries. I find their approach intriguing, and a bit less harsh than some of the Matthew 18 folks I have come across. Peacemaker Ministries advocates creating a culture of peace, and acknowledges that it takes time to change learned patterns of behavior.

Last year I heard a chapel service at Asbury Theological Seminary by Dr. Christine Pohl on "Creating a culture of grace and truth" that dovetails nicely with this topic. One of the requirements for peace is honest dealing with each other, and the difficulties we face. This week I finally received closure to a conflict that I mistakenly thought was resolved nearly two years ago. But a discussion that needed to happen was held, and I believe that it is done. I can't begin to describe the load that was lifted off when that happened.

If you are in a culture that is not peaceful, prayerfully look at the Peacemaker Ministries info and how you might integrate it into your church. Strife impairs our witness and impedes the Kingdom of God. Peace enhances our witness. The world needs to see the Peace of our Lord.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A life worth living

Poor Anna Nicole Smith. I really mean that. It seems that she rose from an extremely low socio-economic state to the height of wealth in a very short time, mostly on her physical attributes. Now that she is dead, the vultures are hovering over her body and the millions of dollars that her infant child will inherit. It is a sad and disgusting situation.

She died several weeks ago and several men have come forward claiming to be the father of her little girl. I'll use charitable judgment here and think that they have the best interest of the child in mind. But what is sad to me is that when one lives a life like hers, when you are no longer beautiful, sexy or alive, the same people who sang your praises turn on you like wolves. Now we are witnessing a fight over where her body will be laid to rest, and who, if anyone, can collect a DNA sample for the paternity tests.

Ms. Smith would been better served to follow the wisdom of Proverbs 30:8 "Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion" or Proverbs 31:30: "Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, {But} a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised."

I'm not here to judge the ungodly actions of Ms. Smith. I just find caution in knowing that if we pursue the things of earth, when we are no longer useful, we will be chewed up and spit out. Sadly, her little girl will someday read these news clips. And those will be her memories of her mother.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Seeing God Move

Today in church we had a speaker from the Jesus Film Harvest Partners, which works with the Church of the Nazarene to bring the gospel to the world. What God has been able to do through that ministry is simply amazing. Just try to get your head around this. The church set decade goals for the 2000-2010 decade, and they are in bold. The numbers in green are the actual progress.

100 million
evangelistic contacts*
42,968,757 contacts

10 million
decisions for Christ
7,529,670 decisions
(17.5% of contacts)

3 million
initial discipleship follow-ups
2,333,924 follow-ups
(31.0% of decisions)

new mission churches
10,991 missions

new pastors trained
14,230 pastors in training

190 JESUS Film language translations used

99 countries where the JESUS Film is used

*JESUS Film and other tools

I had the great privilege to be on a Jesus Film trip in Guatemala in 2005 and saw hundreds of people come into the kingdom and 2 new churches be planted. If you are looking for an opportunity for a mission trip of a different sort, contact them. You can also financially support them for $1/day. Just follow the link above to the donate section. God is clearly using this.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Oh My God

I've been wondering lately about what the Kingdom really looks like. Seminary will do that to you, as I have discovered. My view for many years was that the Kingdom was a "in the future" thing. Yeah, we talked about building the kingdom, but that was all about putting bodies in seats and getting fire insurance for them.

Jurgen Moltmann, N.T. Wright and others have begun to change my thoughts on this. What exactly are we supposed to accomplish on this earth, as we anticipate the new earth? How much can we expect to accomplish on this earth? I'm not one of those Christians who"got theirs" and are awaiting the rapture. But I'm a little unsure of what to expect.

Take a look at this and let me know what you think.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentines Day

This Valentine's Day I pray that you have someone to share your love with. And do not forget to thank the Author of Love for the most magnificent gift ever.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

Authentic Church

This information is taken from the Church of the Nazarene Iron Sharpens Iron newsletter:

Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community lists seven expressions of ministry by which a Christian community may judge itself. Are these expressions understood values within your fellowship? The list looks like a seven week series of sermons . . .

1. The Ministry of Holding One’s Tongue --We can combat evil thoughts effectively if we refuse to allow them to be expressed in words.
2. The Ministry of Meekness --(Romans 12:3) Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment.
3. The Ministry of Listening --The first service we owe to others in the fellowship is listening to them.
4. The Ministry of Active Helpfulness --No one is too good for the meanest labor. By helping one another do menial chores together, we cement our fellowship.
5. The Ministry of Bearing (Supporting) --Your brother or sister may be a burden to you. We are called to forbear--to put up with one another. Non-Christians sidestep irritants. We embrace even difficult people.
6. The Ministry of Proclaiming --Within the fellowship, we proclaim God’s word to one another. Proclamation isn’t just an ordained function; we all speak His word.
7. The Ministry of Authority (Leadership) --Genuine spiritual authority is to be found only when the ministry of hearing, helping, bearing and proclaiming is carried out. Leadership without these expressions poisons the Christian community.
Look for these marks in your own life, and consider offering them to your small groups leaders for discussions that center around ways to develop unity and community within your church body.
Life Together , Dietrich Bonhoeffer, p. 91

I've been thinking lately about what kind of church body would be ideal for me. I know it sounds narcissistic, but the question of "fit" has been on my mind for the last couple of years. That, coupled with my Vocation of Ministry class at Asbury Theological Seminary, has me looking inward, which is not something I enjoy. I do it often, in an odd sort of self-flagellation like the monks of old, but I do not enjoy it.

My mind took me back to one of my favorite childhood books - Horton Hatches the Egg. In that story, Horton the Elephant gets roped into hatching an egg. And despite being misled, he refuses to give up on the task. The quote that stuck with me is this:I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. An elephant's faithful, one hundred percent

What if we all lived by the first line of that statement? Imagine a church where we only say things that we mean. No platitudes just to get people to go away. No " I'll pray for you" when we have no intention of remembering the conversation. It would be refreshing for sure. A church where promises are not easily made but always kept. I know I am being idealistic here, but dream with me a little.

Now look at the second statement in the first line. Image a body of believers who communicate genuinely. Not one where we say one thing and do another. Instead of a body where we say "That will be fine" but inside seethe with resentment because we didn't get what we wanted, we have a group that says "I'd rather not" in gentle love and works toward a common solution. A world where our dreams, hopes hurts and fears are communicated truthfully and in love.

That is where I hope God sends me. If not, I'm OK. It's always a goal to work toward.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Romans 12:2
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.
I'm not prone, or qualified, to do much exegesis yet. But this struck me today. The Greek word for transformed is the same as the English metamorphosis. Basically it means to go from one state of being to another.

So what Paul is saying is for us to go from here:

Where we are extremely limited, homely, and unable to fulfill the purpose that God designed us to for. Caterpillars are slow, vulnerable, voracious eaters (self centered) creatures that can move very little in their lifetime.

But during the amazing process of metamorphosis, they go from this unattractive state to that of a butterfly.

Butterflies are beautiful, mobile creatures that bring joy to many people and migrate thousands of miles during their lifetimes.

Paul's imagery here is a powerful message of how different the Christian life should be from our life apart from Christ. Our appearance may not change, but in the eyes of God we are a new creation, one that brings joy and honor to him.

Dwell on what that transformation means to you. I am.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Sometimes a picture says it all

Let's have a caption contest for this picture. Send your best captions in the comments section.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Who am I? Why am I here?

Those are the (in)famous opening lines used by James Stockdale, vice-presidential candidate for Ross Perot in the 1992 VP debate. While Admiral Stockdale was using them as a rhetorical device, the questions are ones that all Christians should be asking of themselves as we move through the Christian life.

This week marks the beginning of a new semester for me at Asbury Theological Seminary. One of my classes requires that we read "The Call" by Os Guiness. My friend Kurt has been recommending that to me for some time, and I never got around to reading it. But now I am reading and enjoying the challenge it lays out.

It encourages one to think that all of us have a call, not just the holy, the ministers, the missionaries or the monastics. And the call centers not around what we do, but who is calling us. That is a great thought for me this week. Focus not on what I think God wants me to do. Rather, focus on God, the one who is calling. The rest will become evident in the light of his glory and grace.

Pray for me that I will always view my calling as one Called by God, not one called to do something. The caller makes all the difference.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Ode to Joe Biden

I think this says it all. Although they may not be mainstream, clean and articulate enough for him.


Go here to look at each state's regs on payday lending.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Here's to looking out for the little guy!

In November 2005, new legislation was passed that was designed to regulate the payday loan industry in Michigan. The law goes into effect in June 2006, and requires all payday lending businesses to be licensed. Before this legislation was passed, there were no laws that declared the industry legal or illegal, and there were no laws that regulated how the industry operated. Under the new law, payday lending is declared legal, but regulations are placed on the business. Borrowers may borrow up to $600 in a one month period, but may not have more than one loan out at a time. Borrowers will have to pay interest rates at $15 per every hundred loaned in a two-week period. When annualized, this interest rate comes to 390%.

This is something that needs to be stopped. This is how the legislature steps in to protect people? You read that correctly. An eye-popping 390% interest is where the legislature capped it. This is abusive. And these things are everywhere. This is an issue for the church to take up for something to protest.

Go here to see the Governor's news release trumpeting this great accomplishment. Here is a little bit about this scourge's effect nationwide.

What would Jesus Protest?

Protesting is something that really doesn't trip my trigger. Maybe because I just don't get into the group clapping, chanting thing. Maybe I associate it too much with the 1960s. Who knows. But protesting does have its place. So let's play along with the question of what would Jesus protest in today's world?

The Iraq War?
The disaster in Darfur?
Sexual exploitation of Children?
Check cashing places that victimize the poor by charging usurious interest rates?
Sweatshop labor in this country or anywhere in the world?
Unequal distribution of wealth?
Enormous church buildings consuming massive amounts of tithes and offerings?
Christians who do not show love to others?

Feel free to chime in with what you think Jesus would protest. Or if you think he would protest at all. The closest thing I can come to a protest in the gospels is his reaction to the money changers in the Temple courts. And that was all about victimizing people with ridiculous charges for sacrificial animals.

Clearly Christians are to stand up for the poor, the vulnerable, and those being mistreated. And we have a somewhat checkered history of doing that in this country. But what are the issues of our day that would grab our Lord's ire?

Please, I'd like to hear your comments.

Digesting your foot

In case you haven't heard, Joe Biden tends to bloviate. This week, he violated one of the immutable laws of politics which is "When you reach the bottom of the hole, stop digging."

I don't think Biden is a racist. I do think he is someone who likes to hear himself talk. After all he is a Senator.

But what he said was incredibly stupid. He should be extremely grateful that he is a Democrat. Imagine if Trent Lott or another Republican had said that.

At least with Joe in the race, we will be treated to an unending series of interesting quotes.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Where would Jesus protest?

Hooray for a federal judge in Missouri for ruling that funerals are no place for protests. Fred Phelps and his Westboro (I won't demean a legitimate denomination with the name they have chosen) group have been protesting at the funerals of slain military members. They like to tell the family members that the reason their loved one is dead is because the U.S. military allows homosexuals to be in the military. While I do agree that the Bible condemns homosexual behavior, I cannot even begin to think that this is the most appropriate way to deal with the issue.

If you have a beef with the government, take it up with them. Not with the grieving family members of a slain soldier, sailor, marine or airman. That is not how Jesus dealt with the issues of his day, and it is completely offensive and without love and grace.

It truly sickens me. And I cannot believe that it honors God or advances the Kingdom.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Simple Gifts

Simple Gifts is one of the few songs I remember from my days of taking piano lessons. I actually hung on to it long enough to use in the elementary school recruiting that our high school orchestra did back in the day. Each instrument first chair player would play a little tune, describe what part the instrument did in the orchestra, and let the kids come and test out the instrument for a moment. I was the 2nd chair string bass player, but our first chair caught the chicken pox and was hospitalized during this time.

It is an old Shaker dance number with only one verse. Many of you may know it because Aaron Copland included it in his Appalachian Spring suite. The lyrics are:
'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free,
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gain'd,
To bow and to bend we shan't be asham'd,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come round right.
This morning I am celebrating several simple gifts. First, it snowed again. This is the first week all winter we have had snow cover on the ground. I love snow. I love the four seasons, though Spring is my least favorite. I like to shovel, play in the snow, go sledding with the kids, and watch the dog do his "dozer" thing with his nose in the snow. He puts his nose down, and runs through the snow and lets it slide up his snout and over his head. It is a great deal of fun to watch the simple exuberance snow brings. Hot chocolate, snowmen, snowball fights, sledding, it really takes me back to a simpler time.

Our small group has been reading Jeanne Guyon's "Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ" lately, and I appreciate the call to simplicity in that book. I'm not a simple person, but I know I need to work in that area and calm myself before the Lord. Maybe that is why I appreciate the book and Richard Foster's writings on the subject. I can see the value, but the Lord has to work on me there.

Here is the view out my office window this morning. Isn't it glorious?

With that, enjoy the snow. Slow down, go play. You really can't play in the rain, but you can play in the snow. Make a snowman. Throw a snowball.. Go sledding. Snow is one of God's gifts to us, and his helps us to pause and renew.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Good Monsters

I love Jars of Clay for several reasons. Their songs are distinctive, they aren't like every other CCM band. They aren't afraid to take chances - listen to Redemption Songs sometimes. And they hit me where I am.

Take a listen to the title track from their new CD.

The lyrics are here if you want to read them.