I'm not going to get all schmaltzy here, but over 17 years we have had our ups and downs, and we both realize that the Lord has blessed us with each other and our love has grown significantly in the past few years. And for that we are grateful.
The Mill House is a fabulous little B&B in a quaint little town of 900 along the Maumee River. The owners, Ron and Kathy Munk, are wonderful hosts and had a variety of treats, coffee, cookies and other goodies available, as well as some good conversation and a lovely view along the old canal that was built through the area in the 1840's. And the breakfast they served left us not needing lunch. You won't go away hungry. Trust me.
If you are looking for a getaway for your sweetie, or just a quiet place to go and do some contemplation or a spiritual retreat, I recommend The Mill House. That is the Garden Room pictured above, which is where we stayed. And Pastors, check out the special they offer to you.
My bride and I had a wonderful time, and I 'm sure you will too.
May God continue to bless us with each other for many many years to come.
Sounds like you all had a great time. I got my truck and it looks like I'll be getting my trialer also so God has provided me the way to make it happen. Tim
Happy Anniversary my friend. 17 years already. The bed and breakfast sounded like a wonderful time for the both of you. John
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