Since we have a long weekend, I offer you some reading on how pervasive this issue is in the church today. It is a destructive mentality that I have caught (and hopefully arrested) in my own thinking. The issue is insidious because our American focus on stuff and self-gratification then leads into the church, where our local congregation is reduced to nothing more than a purveyor of religious expression. If I'm dissatisfied with this expression, I'll go down the street and "buy" their style.
I'm not going to sermonize here, but let the texts speak for themselves.
iChurch: All We Like Sheep
Why The Devil Takes Visa
Consumerism, Economism, and Christian Faith
Consumerism and Being a Christian
Church Switchers are Restless?
Have a happy and safe Labor Day all. May God give you a glorious time in the days he has given me.
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